The Developmental Welfare State and Social Policy: Shifting From Basic to Universal Social Protection*
Received: Oct 10, 2010; Revised: Oct 23, 2010; Revised: Dec 06, 2010; Accepted: Dec 13, 2010
Published Online: Dec 31, 2010
Most people would agree that developing countries should advance from basic, informal, and insecure welfare provision toward universal, formal, and secure welfare regimes. This article examines how analytical concepts of developmental statehood and developmental welfare statehood might be applied to this issue. In particular, how is it possible to combine economic and social development objectives in a mutually beneficial manner? The article reviews the history of both concepts and some of their shortcomings; examines policy features of developmental (welfare) statehood, focusing on the examples of South Korea and four other countries that have frequently been referred to as “East Asian welfare regimes”; and explores some policy options for developing countries seeking to expand their economic and social policy-making capabilities.
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