A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Organizational Culture Oriented toward Innovation in Central Government Agencies, Public Enterprises, and Executive Agencies
Received: Jan 27, 2020; Revised: May 30, 2020; Revised: Jun 02, 2020; Accepted: Oct 24, 2020
Published Online: Dec 31, 2020
Research indicates that entrepreneurial leadership is positively related to organizational innovation among central government agencies, public enterprises, and executive agencies in Korea. In addition, a performanceoriented with a humane orientation supports organizational innovation, while hierarchical culture has a negative impact on organizational innovation in Korean public sectors. Among organization types, only central government agencies have been found to have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between performance-oriented culture and organizational innovation. Given that public enterprise is more market-based and that executive agencies have great autonomy in budgeting and personnel to ensure the maximization of performance, central government agencies should adopt more practices designed to improve performance in a positive work culture.
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